A death has occured

Sundays at 9:00 am & 11:00 am

Join us at 9 am & 11 am
First Baptist Activity center
1939 Independence blvd
Wilmington, nc

why we exist

To lead people to become fully surrendered disciples of jesus

Learn about us

Get involved


Join us monthly after the 11 am service to hear more about how YOU can get connected to our Saltbox Church family. You'll learn about Saltbox’s history, our leadership structure, what we believe along with our purpose and values. You'll even get the opportunity to ask questions!

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Discipleship is more than a class, more than a program, and more than an event that we can check off of a list. At Saltbox we believe that discipleship happens best in life-on-life situations in the context of community. God has designed us to be in a relationship with Him and others. We know that it is a life-long journey, and that we are meant to do this with other believers. We don't have to figure it all out on our own. Small Groups provide fellowship, community, connection, and a place to belong. Want to know more?

Find a group

When it comes to your children, it’s important to know what to expect. Here is information to provide comfort as you leave your child in our care.

Learn more

Our purpose

Saltbox Church is a growing community church in the heart of Wilmington, NC. We take a simple approach to Christian ministry. Our purpose is to: "To lead people to become fully surrendered disciples of Jesus." At Saltbox we filter every idea, program, and budget request through our purpose statement. If what we plan doesn’t help us meet our purpose, then we don’t do it. We gather to worship Jesus, hear the Word of God, fellowship with our family, and breathe in the finished work of our savior.


find authenticity

Wouldn't it be nice to find a place to belong where you didn't have to pretend...because no one else was? At Saltbox Church, you don't have to be cool or polished and have it all together. Just come and "Be."

You Belong Here

find healing and rest

We live in a loud and fast-paced world with constant demands. With so much noise and clatter, it's so hard to just be still and know...anything. These days, we all have some nicks and wounds. You may carry a heavy burden of past hurts, sickness or even shame. Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

We see you, we are here for you, and there is rest for your soul at Saltbox Church.

have growth and depth

Have you ever felt like you just wanted MORE? Have you come to the end of yourself, and realized that you were missing something? There IS MORE and we believe that God wants to reveal it to you. Saltbox is a Word and Spirit church that teaches the truths of the Bible. Each week you will be challenged and encouraged alongside others who are right there with you, leaning in.

have a greater purpose

Maybe your past experience has left you feeling like a cog in the machine. Do you know that you were uniquely made on purpose, with a purpose? Did you know that part of the role of the local church is to help you discover that purpose and answer the call of God on your life? You are a beautiful creation, made to display God's splendor. We want to help you do just that!

frequently asked questions

Find the most asked questions and their answers right here.

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